Monday, March 9, 2009

You've Got Mail

Yes, I did get mail...and it was one of those envelopes that I dreaded seeing. Like a bill, but worse. It was addressed to me, yet that same address had been typed on my own computer. I knew what it was the second I saw it. I prepared that envelope myself and included it in the package just as they instructed. For "notification," they said. Well, I've been notified. They are thankful that I shared my work with them, but it was not chosen (among the 600 entries) as this year's winner.

I was disappointed for the rest of the day because I truly had gotten my hopes up. And the truth is, I don't think getting your hopes up is a bad thing! It was only my hopes that even got me to write 30 chapters of a book in the first place. So a little disappointment after the first try is ok. The next day, I got myself out of my disappointment and started looking for my next step. And I found it!

Every summer BYU hosts the Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers Workshop. It's a week-long conference for anywhere from beginning to advanced aspiring writers. Authors, editors and agents come from all over the country to teach seminars and workshops and even to find new writing talent, which, according to an article in the Boston Globe, they have in fact been finding there. I registered and will be attending in June! I'm so excited! It's five full days of writing, learning, sharing, and getting feedback on your work. The mornings are dedicated to working in groups of 13 with an award-winning author. I'll be working with Lael Littke, who has written a total of about 43 books, mostly for young adults. We're supposed to have at least a few pages of a book started to share with the 12 others in the group. I'm so excited to get feedback from an author about what I've already written!

So, my plan is REVISE, REVISE, REVISE until June and then after the conference (and hopefully after making some great contacts and learning a bit more about the whole process of getting a book published) REVISE, REVISE, REVISE some more, and then see where I go from there. In order to get published with a big company, it's necessary to have an agent, so that would probably be the next step.

Anyway, in the next month or so I would like to have a couple of people read my manuscript to get some feedback that way as well. I'm probably going to ask my little brother and cousin to read it since they are in the target age group, but I would also like to get some suggestions from adults as well. I would like it to be an interesting book for any age group. So let me know if you would be interested in helping me out that way. Just a warning. The book has a lot to do with something that's a little bit of a controversy right now. Immigration. One of the main reasons I wrote it is because I feel it important for specifically American youth to see a side of this issue that is not normally seen. The personal side of it. The human side that requires us to be a little more compasionate. So, I'm asking that if you read it, you leave aside any and all predisposition or judgement you may have on this subject now and have an open mind. Keep in mind that most of the characters' experiences that I incorporated into my story are true.

So, there's the plan! I'm excited to go forward with it and I'm so excited to learn all I can in June. After all, I'm not an English major, or anything even CLOSE! So I do have a lot to learn. And education is never a bad investment.


  1. My dad went to that conference a few years back and he LOVED it. He's a high school English teacher. He got pretty far in his book and then he kinda stopped. You'll have to tell me how it goes. I really want to go someday, but not this year. I don't have time to think, let alone write. I'm totally with you on the immigration issue. I think its that way with a lot of things, if you look at issues as people and not just problems, your perspective can change. Let me know if you need some readers.

  2. Me! Me! I want to read it! Help!

    P.S. That is exciting about the BYU conference.

  3. Megs - you know I'd be happy to help you if you need to and read your manuscript! Let me know...hope you're feeling better!

  4. That conference sounds like it would be so fun! I'm just impressed that you finished writing a book--cuz, how many people say they are going to do it and never finish! So, props to you for finishing and continuing to revise. I hope it all turns out exactly as you dream it to--or maybe even a little bit better. I'd love to read it!

  5. Good for you! That conference sounds like a lot of fun. I think that is so awesome that you are writing, something I have thought of myself, but you are actually doing it! Good luck with everything, I am sure it is just a matter of time before I see it in a bookstore somewhere!

  6. That sounds awesome! I'd sure love to read what you've got. I am probably not very qualified to give any useful help, but I sure do love to read!!!

  7. Craig and I would like to read it. Craig said he will squeeze it into his "busy" schedule.

  8. I am still so proud of you, you little achiever! That conference does sound fun. School was fun.

  9. Oh, I'm sorry! I really thought you'd win. That's'll get one of them! As always, I would love to read your book.

  10. I would totally love to read you book. so if you still need readers count me in just tell me when to pick up the copy

  11. Send it to me! I'm a young adult...remember, rich 50 is the middle class 30 (Thanks Jack Donage) - so law school poor 27 is DEFINITELY middle America 13! Plus, I hang out with high school kids all day. I'm totally don't act my age.

  12. I am so impressed - I've always had the secret wish to write a book, but lack any motivation. I had some great classes in the English major at BYU, but somehow I doubt I'll ever begin (I think I wrote one paragraph once). So, from someone with aspirations, WHAT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT!

    Oh, and a favor.
    Do you think you could remove our last name from your blog list so we don't come up in google searches? I know, it's totally silly and paranoid, but I'd never want to go private. Thanks!
