Friday, March 27, 2009


I enjoy pizza. Pepperoni pizza mostly, but there is also a place in my heart for the Pizza Hut Meat Lovers, artery-clogging variety. There's even one at Main Street Pizza and Noodle in Park City called The Cholesterol Hiker that I absolutely adore! Ok, so I guess the most important ingredient for me is meat. If the pizza doesn't have meat on it in some variety, don't expect me to put it in my mouth.

I've tried pizza in many different places, and it's so different everywhere. You would expect pizza in Italy to be the best since, supposedly, that's where it hails from. And maybe Chelsie would disagree with me since she doesn't like meat, but the pizza we had in Italy...NOT the best. In fact, I was quite disappointed. It was nothing much more than a thin crust, sauce and cheese. I might need a second go around with it to change my opinion (hint, hint husband).

Pizza in Brazil was interesting. Tuna pizza, corn pizza, corn and BACON pizza, shrimp pizza, palm heart pizza, etc. Some were not the best, but there was one that I absolutely ADORED! Frango e catupiry pizza. Chicken and catupiry cheese. Now Brad will tell you that this kind of cheese is gross. "It's nothing but nasty, white Velveeta." I, Brad, will respectfully disagree. It is SO GOOD! Nothing like Velveeta! And it was great on pizza with chicken! Maybe YOU need another go around on this one Brad! :)

There is another kind of "pizza" that is close to my heart and that is the Mexican Pizza from Su Casa. It is my FAVORITE fake Mexican food. Ground beef (it has to be ground beef or no deal), and beans inside two crispy flour tortillas, covered with melted cheese, enchilada sauce, tomatoes, sour cream and guacamole (again, NO olives, or NO deal). It is divine!! Even my dad, who complains about every single Mexican restaurant he has ever been to that is NOT in Mexico, enjoyed the Mexican pizza. He SAID he didn't when I brought one home for me after work one night and then HE ate it all. But then the next time I worked at Su Casa he called asking for one. Yeah, it's good.

Well, last week I almost had a heart attack when Ryan brought home three different kinds of leftover pizza from a lunch meeting he had.

#1 - The Pesto Pie - parmesan, pesto and SOY NUTS! Uh, WHAT?
#2 - The Jupiter Pie - olive oil, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, and FETA. Again...Uh, WHAT?!

and the winner...

#3 - Artichoke Heart Pizza - no description needed.

I wanted to call Fuego Pizzeria and ask them what business they have putting artichoke hearts and bird food on a pizza! Who ARE you people?! Ok, I know, no disrespect to all you who love this stuff (Chels, if this sounds good to you, GREAT! I'll give you the address later), but SERIOUSLY?

After seeing that, I made Ryan take me to Pizza Hut where I ordered the meatiest pizza I could stomach. And I enjoyed every bite! For three days.

...I don't think I belong in Park City. I don't eat hummus and I don't shop at Whole Foods and I don't eat birdseed pizza. Even so, much love to all of you who do. I'm off to the kitchen to find something fattening to eat.

P.S. Yes, I'm going to be that old lady who has people sneak food that the doctor has forbidden into the nursing home


  1. Hear, hear! Gimme a fatty-meat (aka sausage) laden variety any day! One piece of the the bird-seed type is okay, but dang it, if it ain't covered in grease, it ain't going to be good.

  2. haha, I love it! I love Pizza Hut as's my favorite. Next time I come home we'll get some good pizza :)

  3. I second you on the frango e catupiry pizza, the bomb! We used to order it from "Super Pizza" in Campinas and it was ridiculously huge.

  4. Haha! I'm still laughing out loud. I don't think I would mind any of those pizzas that Ry brought home and to be perfectly honest, Clark would probably love, love, love the Artichoke Heart one (they are his favorite)!

  5. I totally agree with you that American pizza is the best. However, I was recently introduced to an Italian pizzaria in downtown Salt Lake that I actually really liked. I can't remember what it is called but it across the street from PF Changs. It sounds kinda like the pizza Ryan brought home. I was very nervous to try it at first but I ate every crumb and would back there in a minute. Pizza Hut is still my favorite though.

    Craig and I like a Mexican restraunt in Provo. Again, can't remember the name but it is on the diagnal by Albertsons. They are from Chihuahua Mexico and claim to be 110% Mexican. It is similar to the food we had in Belize and nothing like anything we get here so, since I don't know any better, I guess they are authentic. Let me know if your dad has tried it. If not, we should go.

  6. I will promise to hand deliver the forbidden food to your nursing home if you promise to deliver mine if I should check in first! Deal?!?

  7. The first thing I thought when seeing your post was the pizza making date in park city that we went on with our husbands (then boyfriends!). Awww those were the days. Do you remember that? Kyle and I made pizza on valentine's day this year in remembrance of that good date when we were young and in love :) Thanks for the good memories Meg! I'm happy you got your meat pizza.

  8. Carla- We haven't been to that restaurant. We're always up for trying new things!

    Monica- I'm not sure that I could pull off sneaking ten pounds of New York steaks into your nursing home. You might need to change your menu ;)

    Kate- That date was so fun! I don't think we've made pizza since then!

  9. The pizza place downtown is Settebello, right next to Red Rocks...It is the best place in the world and I eat there at least three times per month. Raff introduced it to me as it is authentic Naples style, and that is where he spent the majority of his time. We regularly take clients there and they rave about it every time I see them. The servings are one whole pizza per person...perfect for you! They also serve chuparte los dedos

  10. You are hilarious. I like all pizza's but I must say I do really like the weird ones. Don't ever go to Pizzeria 712 in Orem!!! My favorite pizza ever I got from there and it had potato, greens, and goat cheese! Yum!
