Friday, February 27, 2009

Ni Hao, hope crusher!

So, Thursday night I was craving noodles from Panda Express. Ryan, helpful as always, brought them home promptly. After taking two bites and then pushing them away, I turned to my fortune cookie, hoping for a little help. I told Ryan that my "fortune" would say that I was going to wake up the next morning feeling absolutely wonderful in every way and that I would continue to feel that way. I cracked the cookie open, eagerly sliding the small piece of paper out (ignoring the actual cookie which I never eat), and found these words:

"You have an overactive imagination."

Yeah, THANKS for the vote of confidence Panda Express fortune writers! Ryan laughed his guts out and I sat there trying to figure out what they have against me.

So, I decided to eat the cookie, thinking that maybe the fact that I hadn't wasted it this time would grant me something a little more helpful next time. And I did at least take comfort in my husband's fortune:

"You will inherit a large sum of money."


  1. haha! Gotta love this entry. :) I was debating Panda this past Saturday when Matt and I went to Orem mall and then I had a taste tester piece of orange chicken and a little while after... decided I couldn't do it. I got a 7 layer burrito from Taco Bell instead. haha :) RANDOMNESS... even when I eat something I think I might enjoy... it's only temporary before the sickness comes back... and sometimes the food choice doesn't even do anything good for me at all. :) Hang in there... I hope you feel better!!

  2. May all your dreams come true, no matter what fortune cookies may say :) (but let's hope they are right about that money thing!) Good luck feeling better!
