Friday, February 20, 2009

Diary of a Sick Pregnant Woman


(ring ring)
Megan: Hello?
Ryan: Hey, I'm filling up the car at the gas station, do you need me to pick anything up?
Megan: I really need a hot dog. A big fat one from 7-Eleven with everything on it. Please hurry!!
Ryan: No problem, see you in a bit!

later that night...

Megan: This is sooo good! Thank you!!


(Megan is gagging in the bathroom as an awful smell permeates the air in the house)

Megan: (stepping into the kitchen, hand over mouth) WHAT are you making?
Ryan: A hot dog. Do you want one?
Megan: (with horrified look on face) You have to stop now! It's awful! (returns to the bathroom to keep retching)


(ring ring)

Ryan: Hello?
Megan: I think I need a hamburger for dinner tonight. Will you stop at the store on your way home and pick up a bag of hamburger patties?
Ryan: Of course, I love you!

later that night...

Megan: This is so perfect, thank you!!


(Ryan is home for lunch. Megan is in her bed with the covers over her head trying to keep from inhaling the TERRIBLE odor emanating from the kitchen)

Megan: (finally emerging from the bedroom after several minutes bonding with the toilet) No more cooking hamburgers. I can't handle it!


(ring ring)

Ryan: Hello?
Megan: I need a McDonald's chicken sandwich, and some chicken nuggets for later.
Ryan: No problem. I'll be home soon!

later that night and half a sandwich later...

Ryan: How's your sandwich?
Megan: (eyes closed, hand over mouth, sandwich unfinished) I think I'm going to puke.


(Ryan, Megan and Tyler on their way to meet others in the branch to go to the Draper Temple open house. Must stop at the store first)

Megan: Ok, I need a bottle of water, yogurt-covered raisins and...something chocolatey...or something. Reese's Pieces.
Ryan: Be right back.

Ten minutes later...

Ryan: Ok, here's your water and yogurt-covered raisins, but they didn't have Reese's Pieces.
Megan: (staring at the yogurt-covered raisins in horror) So you didn't buy me anything chocolate?
Ryan: ...sorry. Should I go back in?
Megan: No, it's fine, we have to go (sliding offensive raisins back in grocery back and chucking them in the back seat while trying not to puke at the thought of them)

Ryan, thank you for sticking around. I love you!


  1. YOU'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!!! THAT"S SO EXCITING! The world needs more awesome people like you, and where better for them to come from than from you yourself. I would have you know that you are the only person that actually makes me envious of having babies. Funny huh? Everytime I read stuff about your family, I'm like.."I want a family." Way to set the example, Megs. I'll look into it. Congrats again!

  2. Oh my gosh, you guys! This brings back SO many memories of when I was pregnant! I swear, my life was exactly like you described!! Hang in there, Megan!!

  3. I was CRACKING UP as I read this entry. :) haha! WOW, that is a bad friend for having laughed at your pain. I AM SORRY!!! I had my husband Matt read this as well so he could be consoled. :) I am a little past 16 weeks and the sickness still hasn't said "good bye" haha. :) OH wow! Whatever happen to the 2nd trimester honeymoon phase. haha :) OH WELL, anything for the baby right? :) Overall, doing well. :) Hang in there girl! I sure hope you feel better very SOON! :) love ya ;)

  4. AND YES... I am so grateful that Ryan is so helpful and patient. :) I have thanked Matthew over and over continually for the love, support and patience he renders.... as well as the random trips to the store, etc.... to get food. What we do without them? :) I am so grateful! :)
