Friday, September 18, 2009

Nine Months

Well here it is, the middle of my 9th month. I feel like I'm a total wimp when it comes to pregnancy anyway, and so it doesn't really help that this time has been even harder than the last. I'm a whole lot bigger (and NOT just in the stomach area), I'm retaining a whole lot more fluid, and I have pains that I didn't have before. But I've also realized how humorous the 9th month of pregnancy can be. I thought I would share some of these things.


-You seriously weigh the pros and cons of getting up to go to the bathroom. Is it going to be more painful to heft yourself out of the chair you've settled into than to just deal with the "gotta go" feeling?

-Your emotions take a rollercoaster ride daily. One person you see says you are a whole lot smaller than she ever was, and the next asks if you're having twins and wonders quietly to herself (or sometimes not quietly at all!) why you're not at the hospital in labor instead of at the checkout counter at Shopko.

-You go to bed with one chin and wake up the following morning with two.

-Your stomach hangs out the bottom of almost every maternity shirt you own.

-Your little boy gets hurt and is screaming but since you don't see any blood, you stay where you are, figuring he'll get over it.

-If the phone isn't right next to you, whoever is calling is going to be ignored until you're forced to get up for your next bathroom break.

-Your doctor tells you you only have two more weeks to wait before being induced, and you feel so relieved. Then you get in your car and burst into tears because...YOU HAVE TWO MORE WEEKS!

-You wake up in the middle of the night gasping for breath as if you're in the middle of running a marathon. (Not that I will EVER know how that really feels.)

-The bras that are a cup size bigger than the ones you wore before you got pregnant are TOO SMALL!

-You feel like you're a toddler all over again because you're constantly tripping, running into things or people, walking around with some sort of food all over your shirt, and spilling whatever you happen to be trying to drink. In fact, you do all of these things more often than your child who IS a toddler.

-When you prepare yourself to get up from your chair or bed, your little boy starts to imitate the grunting noises that he has gotten so used to hearing.

-Sneezing is extremely dangerous and may require a change of clothes afterward.

-You eat ice cream multiple times every day and still feel that it's not enough (ok, maybe this isn't so much a pregnancy thing as a ME thing).

-You have wardrobe malfunctions daily. There's always something showing or sticking out that should not be showing or sticking out. Unfortunately, it is very probable that you've stopped caring.

Just a few of the many joys. Feel free to add to this list. Well...hopefully I won't be blogging again until Gaby is here. October 2 will not get here quickly enough.


  1. Ha!

    And we are totally the same- my big inducing date is October 4th!

  2. You make me smile. I hope the next two weeks can be as comfortable as they can be considering your situation. :)

  3. What an awesome post. I'm so glad you can find the humor in being 9 months pregnant. I should try to find the humor in having a 3-month old but I just can't quite yet. You look great!! And everyone I know, except for Miss Kate Pieper gained more weight with their second.

  4. Oh the joys of being pregnant!! I do not envy you in any way!!! Being 9 months pregnant is so very hard!! You have to have been there before to truly understand how depressing it is. Hang in there. Pretty soon you will have the most adorable little girl in your arms!! And she will be beautiful!! ...I know, I know...not soon enough!

  5. Oh Megan, how true this post is. I think I broke a world record a few nights ago when I had to get up to go to the bathroom EIGHT TIMES. At this point, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the dang light is SOOOO far away! Okay- we can do this. Full speed ahead. I can't wait to meet Gaby (and for Gaby to meet Liam).

  6. Wow! I can't believe you're to 9 months already!! Your post brings back SO many memories of being pregnant for me! Good luck with the next couple week!

  7. So sad and so true - and so funny! :) I remember the feeling! Good luck with the delivery! Can't wait to hear the good news!

  8. I SOOO understand. I didn't realize our due dates were so close! I was due on October 1st. But our little princess decided to make her appearance early, and was born on Sept. 8th.

    Hope to hear that your little one is here soon!

  9. So true. So true. You still look smaller than me and I have SIX weeks left, so there! I can especially relate to the sneezing one...
